This blog which was intended to be for the collection of hadiths would be re-updated during the upcoming March. For now, it is temporary closed. If you have any request of particular hadiths, please email me at May Allah bless You for finding knowledge. From Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): None is a person of faith without knowledge. On the other hand, if you would wish to have the translation of the holy Quran, you can refer it to and you can also refer to for posts about Islam. --Allahumma Salli'ala Muhammad-- |
Some People Believe Solely in Quran whereas some other believe solely in hadiths. As a Muslim, you are to believe both the Quran and the Hadiths. If you don't believe in the hadiths, it would mean that you don't believe in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And if you don't believe in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), then you would be a MURTAD. The Quran is the set of rules commanded by Allah. And the hadiths are the explanations of the rules. Either way, you are still to believe in both the Quran and Hadiths. As human beings, I am not perfect and you are not perfect either. So, if there is mistake in this blog, please inform me by writing an email to me at Or if you have any request of any particular hadiths, feel free to drop me an email as well. He is the Teacher of all Mankind, Mercy upon Mankind, Leader of all Mankind! |